NOW: Contributors Program Mtg! (Fri 2PM Boston time, #olpc-meeting)

Holt holt at
Fri Oct 23 14:38:05 EDT 2009

Sorry for the late start!

Please join us NOW reviewing the latest OLPC/Sugar community projects 
over IRC Live Chat:  (2PM EDT Boston Time Today/Friday)

Then type at bottom:
/join #olpc-meeting


* New projects & libraries -- teaching them Community Outreach:

* Which projects might you enjoy Mentoring below?!

* Fast Review of the 5 latest (greatest!) HW/Project Proposals -- please
  join us advocating for, and/or reviewing shortcomings of these proposals:

1. FoodForce2 - New Delhi, India

   Requests 1-2 XO-1.5 over 3 months

   Project Objectives:
   FoodForce2 is both a classroom tool, and an outside classroom 
activity. It is a new kind of an educational solution, an “expanded 
school” which grows well beyond the walls of the classroom. The game 
play has been designed in a way to educate the child about certain key 
learning areas. The key learning areas on which the game focuses are:

   1. *Strategy*: FoodForce2 is a strategy game in which decision-making
      skills of a player have a high significance in determining the
      outcome. The Player is suppose to plan and execute a strategy in
      such a way that he can make an optimum use of the resources
      available with him, so that the village can become
      self-sustainable for a long time.
   2. *Sustainable Development*: FoodForce2 teaches player to set limits
      on the consumption of the present available resources so that they
      can be used to address future development issues which are
      critical for sustainable development.
   3. *Trading*: Economic futures of any world community, particularly
      developing world, is affected by their present trading system.
      FoodForce2 assist player to integrate into the trade system and
      multi-lateral trade negotiations. It develops skills for unbiased,
      rule based and nondiscriminatory trading system.
   4. *Technology and its use*: Technology involves the usage of tools
      which affects and controls the environment, and the ability to
      adapt to it. The basic lifestyle in every aspect of our daily
      lives, the kind of housings, our transport, medical facilities,
      fashion and entertainment all depend on technology. FoodForce2
      demonstrates the effect of using technology in the development of
      various facilities like hospitals, housing facilities, education
      and training. It teaches player about the importance of technology
      for development.
   5. *Crisis Management*: A crisis is a major, unpredictable event that
      harms human communities and is accompanied by widespread
      malnutrition, starvation, epidemic and increased mortality. Crisis
      management consisting of understanding, and coping with any
      serious situation, especially from the moment it first occurs to
      the point that recovery procedures start. FoodForce2 teaches
      crisis management by redesigning the village affected by natural
      calamities. In the game choices available to players are
      constrained by economic, social, and physical realities of life in
      a village. And their actions are highly structured by the
      practices of urban planning
   6. *Collaboration*: Collaboration is a recursive process where
      different organizations work together for common goal by sharing
      knowledge, learning and building consensus. FoodForce2 demonstrate
      that a community is not supposed to be building in a closed
      environment. Players should be free to interact with the outside
      environment i.e. the other villages, which are being developed by
      his peers.

2. Playing, it`s serious - Kuujjuaq (Quebec) CANADA

   Requests 2 XOs over 2 months

   Project Objectives:
   We would like to put your laptop in the daycare
   for the older group (4-5 years old) because we have a lack in
   stimulation for kids, educators don`t know how to motivate. We think is
   a good tool for education, stimulation, to find ideas for activities.....

3. OLPC on Puppy Linux - Bogotá, Colombia

   Requests 1 XO over 12 months

   Project Objectives:
   The Primary objetive is develop a Puppy Linux Educational derivative,
   specially builded to run in the XO hardware.

   Secondary Objetives:

   - Create a Puppy Linux distribution Extremely friendly, with easy to
     learn GUI.
   - Create a Puppy Linux distribution with a good pack of educative
   - Deploy a good repository of Linux learning documents.
   - Develop a small, fast and easy to learn Linux distribution for XO
   - Distibute Pupy Linux for OLPC freely.

4. Kenya OLPC Mathematics: request for more laptops

   Requests 7 XOs over 6 months

   Project Objectives:
   The primary goal of this project is to develop a project that will
   aid teachers in Kenyan Primary Schools teach the basic concepts of
   Mathematics in sync with the Kenyan Primary School syllabus using
   the XO laptop. The specific objectives of this project are:

   1. To improve the ability of children to memorise and enhance the
      use of the basic Mathematical operations, that is +, -, ÷ and ×
      using the XO laptop applications.

   2. To improve children's ability and understanding of the measurement
      and calculation of area, circumference and perimeter of
      2-dimensional figures and the Surface Area and Volume of
      3-dimansional objects with the aid of the XO laptop.

   3. To aid the children in the proper understanding of the topics of
      ratios, percentages and proportions according to the Kenyan
      Primary School syllabus.
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