new content bundle

Tomeu Vizoso tomeu at
Sun Jun 21 05:41:01 EDT 2009

On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 21:31, Gary C Martin<gary at> wrote:
> Hi Tomeu,
> On 20 Jun 2009, at 18:41, Tomeu Vizoso wrote:
>> 2009/6/20 Walter Bender <walter.bender at>:
>>> We have a Google Summer of Code project to do exactly that... stay
>>> tuned...
>> But if you really wanted and didn't feared messing with python code,
>> you could make a duplicate of Browse and change the default URL,
>> hiding or not the address bar...
> Yes, good call.
> BTW, is the idea of making a lightweight gtk+ widget for a Sugar web view
> still on the cards? That's not me volunteering for this by the way – before
> dfarning sends me more 'you just volunteered' email :-b Just that there are
> several 0.82 Activity uses of this approach which currently wont work in
> 0.84 and up Sugar builds, Help being an obvious one, so we can have a (?) on
> the home screen (I seem to remember the Gmail Activity was a popular one
> when it was still up to date).

I think it's a good idea, from my POV is just waiting for someone to
propose an API and then move the code to sugar-toolkit. I think it was
Lucian who suggested it would be a full abstraction so there could be
a backend implemented with hulahop/xulrunner and another with webkit.

> Regards,
> --Gary
> P.S. I know, I know... I still haven't even started working with your
> SWFEdit Gnash view work yet, but it is at least getting closer to the top of
> my todo list. :-)

Not much needed right now, but if you could find some time during this
week and ping me in IRC, I would like to give a look with you to the
EatBoom .fla and see why it's not progressing to the next level.



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