kernel work, branches

Paul Fox pgf at
Wed Jun 17 15:01:33 EDT 2009

moving this thread to devel...

deepak wrote:
 > My main goal this week is to get XO-1.5 moved over to 2.6.30 and then
 > start attacking bugs.
 > I'm requesting that if you need anything done from minor tweak to a major 
 > task on either XO to X-1.5, in addition to poking me on IRC, please open 
 > a trac. This will help with keeping everyone in the loop and help me in 
 > prioritizing my time.

hi deepak -- can you also summarize the state of the current
branches in olpc-2.6 (active?  buildable?  runnable?), and what
the ground rules are (from your point of view, at least) for
commiting to them?  e.g. what can be put in, whether you need to
be told, etc?

 paul fox, pgf at

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