Wanted: List of Sugar activities for the XO-1.5

Chris Ball cjb at laptop.org
Sun Dec 6 16:58:32 EST 2009

Hi Eric,

   >> Now how about my question on getting ooo4kids linked on the
   >> Gnome side so both sugar and Gnome can share the same program?

   > I'm not sure to get what you mean. Can you explain more?

To clarify, Reuben's asking about having a launcher inside the GNOME
environment that is able to launch the same version of OOo4Kids that
we run inside Sugar -- our laptop switches between GNOME and Sugar,
and we'd like OOo4Kids to be accessible in both.

So, it's not directly a question about toolkits (Gtk vs. others), just
whether there's a way to run the Sugar activity from outside of Sugar.


- Chris.
Chris Ball   <cjb at laptop.org>
One Laptop Per Child

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