mechanisms tied to mesh: "under a tree" collab

Morgan Collett morgan.collett at
Wed Sep 17 14:27:57 EDT 2008

On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 18:52, Gary C Martin <gary at> wrote:
> On 17 Sep 2008, at 10:28, John Gilmore wrote:
>> Then why can't my two XO's running 8.2-759, both connected to the same
>> access point, see each other to collaborate?  Neither one shows up in
>> the other's Network screen.  When I run Write on one, and enable
>> sharing
>> with My Neighborhood, that copy of Write pops up on its own
>> Neighborhood
>> screen, but never on the Neighborhood screen (nor in the Frame) of its
>> neighboring XO.  Is this a third TRAC bug?
> I have a feeling this is a bug/omission but don't have 2 XOs to test
> it and give a detailed trac report (please do if you have 2 XOs to
> test!). I notice that in 711 and back, I see my Mac (with z-conf/
> Bonjour enabled) appears as a buddy on the Neighborhood view when the
> XO is set to an unreachable jabber server and both Mac and XO are
> connected to the same AP.
> This is NOT the case for the 8.2 release or joyride stream for weeks,
> perhaps a month or four.
> Rumour: I'm sure saw some low level tec references/chatter at some
> point about broken multicast, or broadcast, or some such shenanigans,
> perhaps related to network power suspend wake ups. Any one vaguely
> remember any of this, or am I generating false memories?

This dropped out when we fixed something in Presence Service a while
back. We had to stop showing buddies without a key (which means
non-Sugar avahi/bonjour clients). #7581 tracks reenabling this for
9.1.0, and links to the original bug.


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