mechanisms tied to mesh: "under a tree" collab

Gary C Martin gary at
Wed Sep 17 12:52:23 EDT 2008

On 17 Sep 2008, at 10:28, John Gilmore wrote:

> Then why can't my two XO's running 8.2-759, both connected to the same
> access point, see each other to collaborate?  Neither one shows up in
> the other's Network screen.  When I run Write on one, and enable  
> sharing
> with My Neighborhood, that copy of Write pops up on its own  
> Neighborhood
> screen, but never on the Neighborhood screen (nor in the Frame) of its
> neighboring XO.  Is this a third TRAC bug?

I have a feeling this is a bug/omission but don't have 2 XOs to test  
it and give a detailed trac report (please do if you have 2 XOs to  
test!). I notice that in 711 and back, I see my Mac (with z-conf/ 
Bonjour enabled) appears as a buddy on the Neighborhood view when the  
XO is set to an unreachable jabber server and both Mac and XO are  
connected to the same AP.

This is NOT the case for the 8.2 release or joyride stream for weeks,  
perhaps a month or four.

Rumour: I'm sure saw some low level tec references/chatter at some  
point about broken multicast, or broadcast, or some such shenanigans,  
perhaps related to network power suspend wake ups. Any one vaguely  
remember any of this, or am I generating false memories?


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