mechanisms tied to mesh: "under a tree" collab

Bert Freudenberg bert at
Wed Sep 17 05:36:08 EDT 2008

Am 17.09.2008 um 11:28 schrieb John Gilmore:

>> The problem comes from the OLPC marketing that equates "mesh" with
>> "collaboration" which in fact are two independent concepts. What the
>> UI displays as "Mesh Server" should be "Collaboration Server" - it's
>> only needed to mediate if the laptops who want to collaborate cannot
>> talk to each other directly.
>> (and btw. you should *not* use anymore which has
>> been switched to a new protocol so you won't see anyone while
>> connected to that server)
> Sounds like two TRAC bugs -- the name, and the domain name.

The server name comes from a previous installation (I think).

>  Both are straight out of 8.2-759.  Will you file them?

You're welcome to do that :)

>> As Benjamin pointed out, the sharing is *not* tied to the mesh. It
>> works just as well if both machines can receive broadcasts (for
>> discovery) and make TCP connections (for actual collaboration). This
>> works in a LAN or between two Qemu instances or even on the same
>> machine running sugar-jhbuild twice (useful for debugging).
> Then why can't my two XO's running 8.2-759, both connected to the same
> access point, see each other to collaborate?

Because you might have as server? Just enter a  
non-existing one.

(and no, I can't do anything about that, I just happened to run into  
the same problem and that was the suggested solution)

- Bert -

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