Touch pads

David Leeming leeming at
Tue Nov 25 20:24:13 EST 2008

It does seem to be the case there are some especially bad ones. I am getting
the serial numbers and will post them here in a few days. However, to
duplicate the situation, all I can suggest is that we have seen this in all
our Pacific Islands deployments but the hotter and more humid, the worse the

David Leeming
OLPC Coordinator, SPC and Technical Advisor, People First Network
Honiara, Solomon Islands

-----Original Message-----
From: dsd.olpc at [mailto:dsd.olpc at] On Behalf Of Daniel
Sent: Wednesday, 26 November 2008 10:39 a.m.
To: Ties Stuij
Cc: richard at; David Leeming PFnet; Bryan Berry; OLPC Developer's
Subject: Re: Touch pads

On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 9:34 PM, Ties Stuij <cjstuij at> wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 2:40 AM, Richard A. Smith <richard at>
>> Bryan Berry wrote:
>> Here at 1cc we still don't have many units that have chronic symptoms to
>> test with.
> Oh really? I've seen trouble with almost any machine I touched around
> here in Nepal. Not that it happens every time, but it's so common to
> perform the 4-finger salute, that I don't even think about it anymore.

It's strange. I was working with XOs at OLPC in Camrbdige for months,
never having seen a problem (with 8.1) and wondering what the fuss was
about. But per my experience in Ethiopia, this was a really common


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