Emulating 8.2 images on QEMU for windows

Ton van Overbeek tvoverbeek at gmail.com
Thu Nov 13 15:29:20 EST 2008

Mwarren wrote:
> I put together a new Quick Start bundle at
> http://sites.google.com/site/olpcqemu/Home/olpc_qemu_8.2.0.zip (4.7 MB). The
> bundle includes Ton's qemu-svn-4887, KQEMU 1.4.0pre1, the cwRsync bundle
> (rsync, cygwin1.dll, PuTTY), curl and bunzip2. The OLPC image has been
> replaced with a get-image.cmd script that automatically downloads an image,
> bunzip2's it, and creates a linked .qcow2.img file.  I would appreciate it
> if you can try out the bundle and give feedback -
> http://wiki.laptop.org/index.php?title=User_talk:Mwarren&action=edit .
> Thank you,
> Mark
Works fine for me on Win XP/SP3.
A few remarks:
- Might put a warning in for people (like me) who already have Cygwin 
  Two cygwin1.dll on the same system can create problems.
- Put more emphasis on 'run as Administrator' for the install start and stop
  of the kqemu service.
  Without kqemu you do not have run as Administrator (but it will be 
very slooooow).
- You do not say how to ssh into the emulated XO:
  For a command line ssh: 'ssh -p 2222 olpc at localhost'.
  For PuTTY you have to change the port from 22 to 2222.
  Also you first have to set a password on the olpc account in the 
emulated xo,
  otherwise no ssh logins are allowed.
- You might want to mention to let software update download all the G1G1 
  on the first boot of the emulated xo.
  Alternatively we could set up an image somewhere with the G1G1 
activities already

It might be an idea to combine your approach with Wade Brainerd's installer.
See http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/devel/2008-November/021016.html .
However the installer has problems installing the service on Vista due 
to UAC.

I cc'ed Wade on this email.

Good work !!

Ton van Overbeek
PS Have not updated my original zip with libusb0.dll yet. Will do this soon.

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