sugar 0.83 in joyride

Ed McNierney ed at
Thu Nov 6 10:34:31 EST 2008

This certainly seems like a reasonable solution.

	- Ed

On Nov 6, 2008, at 10:16 AM, Chris Ball wrote:

> Hi,
>> Hi again, I'm thinking that perhaps best would be to create a
>> joyride branch similar to faster that sugar developers could
>> administer by ourselves.
>> In that way we wouldn't be blocking on each other so often and
>> Sugar developers could more easily adapt Sugar to the OLPC
>> hardware.
> I'm fine with giving commit access to pilgrim/joyride to any Sugar
> developers who want it.  Shall we just do that instead?
> Thanks,
> - Chris.
> -- 
> Chris Ball   <cjb at>

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