Incidental notes.

Bobby Powers bobbypowers at
Tue Jul 8 20:55:36 EDT 2008

On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 8:40 PM, Michael Stone <michael at> wrote:
> I worked on a couple of things over the weekend that may be of interest
> to random passers-by. They include:
> * new rainbow ('cli' branch of users/mstone/security) and nss-rainbow
>  source code which lets you use rainbow from the command line and which
>  permits rainbow to add accounts to the system without touching
>  /etc/passwd or /etc/group
> * updates to the puritan UI and the f9 compilation which make combine to
>  deliver a bootable image. (As of this instant, you'll need to start X
>  manually with /
> Both are quite raw and are certainly buggy; hence, I don't really
> recommend them for the faint-of-heart. However, both do let you do some
> cool things that are difficult to achieve with other technology.
> These will each make their way into testing packages "someday soon".
> Poke me if you want to see them sooner.

cool!  keep up the good work :)  I've got so much I'm suppose to be
doing but its hard not to want to play with these...


> Michael
> P.S. - Is sugar supposed to crash if the PS is unavailable on startup?
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