Release 8.2.0 -- pls add critical features

Greg Smith gregsmitholpc at
Thu Jul 3 11:47:19 EDT 2008

Hi Eben,

OK. I thought you were saying that the journal can do it now or could 
be extended easily to remove all activities.

Sounds like its a new feature which requires significant work which 
means its may not merit blocker status.

Is there an easy way to read all activities that are present and put an 
item in the journal which allows you to remove them?

If there's no quick fix and we're out of time then we may need to defer 
this one.


Greg S

Eben Eliason wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 8:07 AM, Greg Smith <gregsmitholpc at> wrote:
>> On your second point, I think the thread has been productive. I marked
>> the bug a blocker for 8.2.0. I think we will close it by including the
>> remove via Journal solution unless Eben can be convinced of a better
>> implementation.
> Actually, the solution proposed is specifically the opposite, since
> the nature of the request is to be able to remove activities which /do
> not/ appear in the Journal (as well as those that do).  The design
> specified requires adding the ability to remove activities to the list
> view of Home, which provides a neat filterable list of all activities
> on the laptop.
> - Eben

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