Release 8.2.0 -- pls add critical features

Eben Eliason eben.eliason at
Thu Jul 3 11:59:13 EDT 2008

Well, a Sugar dev can comment on the feasibility, but I don't think
that the specification will actually be that difficult to add.  I'm
just calling for an additional option in the palette for an activity
which uninstalls/deletes it.  It may be as trivial as adding the menu
item and calling an already existing function in its handler.

- Eben

On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 11:47 AM, Greg Smith <gregsmitholpc at> wrote:
> Hi Eben,
> OK. I thought you were saying that the journal can do it now or could be
> extended easily to remove all activities.
> Sounds like its a new feature which requires significant work which means
> its may not merit blocker status.
> Is there an easy way to read all activities that are present and put an item
> in the journal which allows you to remove them?
> If there's no quick fix and we're out of time then we may need to defer this
> one.
> Thanks,
> Greg S
> Eben Eliason wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 8:07 AM, Greg Smith <gregsmitholpc at>
>> wrote:
>>> On your second point, I think the thread has been productive. I marked
>>> the bug a blocker for 8.2.0. I think we will close it by including the
>>> remove via Journal solution unless Eben can be convinced of a better
>>> implementation.
>> Actually, the solution proposed is specifically the opposite, since
>> the nature of the request is to be able to remove activities which /do
>> not/ appear in the Journal (as well as those that do).  The design
>> specified requires adding the ability to remove activities to the list
>> view of Home, which provides a neat filterable list of all activities
>> on the laptop.
>> - Eben

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