status of GRUB on XO

Robert Millan rmh at
Mon Jan 28 03:59:40 EST 2008

On Mon, Jan 28, 2008 at 09:52:10AM +0100, Marco Gerards wrote:
> >
> >   - Missing some parts of AT keyboard driver (arrows don't work).
> Is this a general issue with your driver?  For arrow keys you need to
> process multiple scancodes, IIRC.

Yes.  Other keys that are composed in the same way aren't captured either.
Should be trivial to fix but I haven't had time so far :-/

> >   - Can only access SD cards (via OFW callbacks), in any of the filesystems
> >     supported by GRUB.  Accessing the NAND or USB drives will require adding
> >     new drivers (I expect the latter will come soon, since it is also needed
> >     on i386-pc).
> What kind of interface does the NAND drive have?  ATA? ;-)

No way, there's no room for legacy cruft in such a small laptop ;-)

> >   - Supports serial terminal (I couldn't try this on real hardware, but I
> >     assume it works).
> So this is not an issue now?

Real hardware has a serial port, but only if you have an adaptor (which I

> >   - Loader only supports Multiboot2 images for now.
> There are multiboot kernels already? :-)

I wrote two of them, hang.S and crash.S.  They aren't very useful but serve as
testcase most of the time.

Robert Millan

<GPLv2> I know my rights; I want my phone call!
<DRM> What use is a phone call… if you are unable to speak?
(as seen on /.)
-------------- next part --------------
/* Trivial multiboot2 program.

   gcc -fno-builtin -nostdinc -m32 -nostdlib -Wl,-N -Wl,-Ttext -Wl,0x100000 -o hang hang.S

	.file	"startup.S"
	.globl	_start

	jmp _start

	.long	0xe85250d6
	.long	0
	.long	-0xe85250d6
-------------- next part --------------
/* Trivial multiboot2 program.

   gcc -fno-builtin -nostdinc -m32 -nostdlib -Wl,-N -Wl,-Ttext -Wl,0x100000 -o crash crash.S

	.file	"startup.S"
	.globl	_start

	.long	0xe85250d6
	.long	0
	.long	-0xe85250d6

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