A jabber hosting offer...

drew einhorn drew.einhorn at gmail.com
Sun Jan 6 00:01:03 EST 2008

If we are going to have small local communities instead of one big one,
the we need to be able to contact multiple jabber servers, because there
will be communities organized by:

   age groups
   xo activity
   geographic region
   curriculum topic
   and many more

the chances that all the communities a student wants to participate in
are unlikely to all be on the same server.

If we have large communities on big presence servers we will need more
advanced to filter My Neighborhood to show only the individuals we are
currently interested in.

Reading the Human Interface Guidelines in looks like multiple groups
are supposed to be supported, but for now it looks like we only have
one group Friends.

And it looks like currently the only filtering we have is pattern matching
based on nickname.

Or is there more there that I have not figured out yet.

On Jan 5, 2008 9:39 PM, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky <znmeb at cesmail.net> wrote:
> Dave Belfer-Shevett wrote:
> > I've just received my, er,  my son's XO, and he's ecstatic with it,
> > enjoying fiddling with Python programs and other tidbits.  I've heard
> > that the Jabber 'chat' functions are disabled on the US XO's, mostly
> > because the existing jabber hosts can't really take the load of all
> > these machines going out.
> >
> > I have machinery and bandwidth available for setting up a dedicated,
> > fairly powerful machine specifically to run Jabber for the OLPC
> > community.  I have no problems building, configuring, installing, and
> > maintaining the machine in a colo facility in Bedford, MA.  I'll donate
> > the hardware and time to make it work, if it'll benefit the project.
> >
> > I'm looking at a dual-Xeon 2.8 gig Ubuntu Gutsy box (1U) with a pair of
> > mirrored drives.  The facility has multiple peered connections (it
> > supports a series of VOIP servers), and is well managed.
> >
> > I have experience running jabber servers, and sysadminning.  Would this
> > be of benefit to the community?
> >
> > Please let me know.  I can be reached on jabber at
> > dbs at jabber.stonekeep.com , or email at dbs at stonekeep.com is fine too.
> > I'm also (obviously) on the devel list :)
> >
> > Thanks.  I do want to contribute to the project in any way I can...
> >
> >       -dbs
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> Some other people have suggested local Jabber servers, and I agree with
> them. What I think would be really wonderful would be if someone could
> make a LiveCD that would boot up as a Jabber server for XOs! It's a real
> bear to configure one, and a LiveCD would make it feasible for
> communities to do it.
> I've been on the xochat.com server from time to time, and there are
> sometimes so many people you can't really "meet" anyone.
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Drew Einhorn

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