Keyboard layout (is: connect from console)

Bennett Todd bet at
Sun Feb 10 18:12:21 EST 2008

2008-02-10T22:39:53 James:
>    /sbin/iwconfig eth0 essid linksys
>    /sbin/iwconfig eth0 key C55999D652
>    /usr/sbin/olpc-update 656
> ... but the virtual console complained:
>    Could not download update contents file from:
>    rsync://
>    I don't think you're connected to the Internet.

(1) can you ping If no, you didn't associate with AP, I
    don't know what to suggest. But if yes,

(2) I can't find host, but it you try to ping
    does it find its IP or not? If not, what's in /etc/resolv.conf,
    both on the one that works and the one that doesn't?

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