Cleaning up Trac for 8.2.1

Chris Ball cjb at
Mon Dec 8 12:33:01 EST 2008


   > Since I think our philosophy should be that any 8.2.x release will
   > only contain bug fixes that are specifically selected and
   > identified as critical for that bugfix release, I would like to
   > suggest that all 8.2.1 Milestone values be updated to a 9.1
   > Milestone value with the exception of the eight from the ECO
   > (listed below).  When those eight tickets are closed, 8.2.1 is
   > done.

This makes sense, but there's a reason we chose 8.2.1 rather than 9.1
for many of those bugs, and we should try not to destroy that bit of
information during the move -- it could help us to prioritize which of
the "9.1" bugs to work on.  To keep track of this, we could do something
like adding a keyword to all current 8.2.1 bugs before we move them.

(Of course, ideally we'd actually triage all of these, and the other 9.1
bugs, into work items for 9.1 or beyond.)


- Chris.
Chris Ball   <cjb at>

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