New wireless/mesh icon info testers needed (#2866, #6995)
James Cameron
quozl at
Tue Aug 12 05:02:49 EDT 2008
On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 08:21:55AM +0100, Martin Dengler wrote:
> Thanks very much! If you have any comments on how I could have made
> it easier for you to test [...]
I have serious suggestions.
Here is what happened:
-bash-3.2# git-clone git:// xo-sugar-2866
-bash: git-clone: command not found
git wasn't on the laptop.
I was not able to afford a run of yum to install git, due to limits on
download data ... $0.15 per megabyte excess.
Had I installed git, a clone would have cost me no more than 7Mb for the
sugar source. I just did it to check, on
But I saw that the directories you wanted to symlink were only small,
and a tarball of them was 73612 bytes. A big change in size! The
corrected test setup sequence became:
cd /home/olpc
tar xfz 2866.tar.gz
cd /usr/share/sugar/shell
for dir in hardware model view ; do \
mv -v $dir ${dir}.orig ; \
ln -vs /home/olpc/xo-sugar-2866/src/${dir} ; \
If your changes were provided as an RPM then that may have widened the
test field. Then again, the sugar RPM on joyride-2286 is 1485430 bytes,
according to rpm -qi.
If your changes were provided as above as a tarball, the testers might
step over the threshold more willingly.
Lastly, your test instructions were not clear. I had to figure out that
the screenshot behaviour was new. Next time, say "engage the frame,
hover over the symbol, look at the IP address, and the signal strength
bar". ;-)
Oh, by the way, it worked, well done!
(The old behaviour, of showing a disconnect item, and a channel number,
for my local wireless network, was gone. I gather that is what you
James Cameron mailto:quozl at
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