Why we are about to not bother upkeeping TamTam.

Gary C Martin gary at garycmartin.com
Tue Aug 5 17:01:38 EDT 2008

On 5 Aug 2008, at 21:16, jean piche wrote:

> Anyone care?

I care, these are a fab set of activities for kids!

It's so sad there seems to be bad blood here :-( I guess it must down  
to constant shifting APIs (a huge red flag for any activity  
developer**) and evolving Rainbow (a good but potentially painful  


** Rant: I specifically kept away from _any_ vaguely 'interesting'  
parts of sugar (colaboration, journal, sound, video – going for just  
absolute basic python and GTK+ requirements, and even that's needing  
some triage now) for this very reason, I'm sure a bunch of other much  
more skilled developers than I are doing the same until there is  
offered some hope of stability. It's fine if you have a lot of free  
time to burn, rich parents, or an open minded sponsor – development of  
something cool is 'cheap as chips', maybe less than a week or two of  
hacking***. Supporting it over time in the current environment... Now  
that's another mater entirely. Bit rot is a horrible thing when you  
are just a sad leaf node.

*** I don't include TamTam here, it's clearly a much larger project.

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