Translation refresh (Was: freezing DCON for insecure boot)

Bernie Innocenti bernie at
Fri Apr 18 17:09:02 EDT 2008

On Fri, 2008-04-18 at 17:25 -0300, C. Scott Ananian wrote:

> Can you be more precise about the dates involved and the precise
> pieces which need better Italian support?  Activity translation
> improvements don't need to wait for Update.2.  If it's just
> translation changes to the base system, we could definitely consider
> making an Update.1.1 (8.1.1) release for this.

This would be a great idea.  Yes, Italian is an easy language
to support for us, so it's just strings.  Update.1 had an
interestingly long string freeze an I guess Italian is not the
only translation that suffered by it.

Torello was also asking some time ago on the #sugar channel why
his changes in Pootle did not yet show up in git master.  I don't
know if this was answered already.  I also think some TamTam
strings were missing due to musical jargon, but this is hardly
a showstopper.  I'll let Torello be more specific.

Giulia and Torello, reading us on cc, may have an approximate
idea of the dates involved.

Scott (or Kim), do you have an idea how long it could take to roll
this Update.1.1 once we have everything in place?  I'm not asking
for promises, just for a genuine estimate of how long the procedure
could take in practice.

  |___|  Bernie Innocenti -
   \___\ CTO OLPC Europe  -

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