Status of Ethiopian support

Jon Phillips jon at
Wed Sep 12 00:36:29 EDT 2007

On Tue, 2007-09-11 at 22:36 -0400, Benj. Mako Hill wrote:
> <quote who="Bernardo Innocenti" date="Tue, Sep 11, 2007 at 10:13:05PM -0400">
> >    I'm not sure the font license is acceptable for Fedora or even us.
> >    Someone with better understanding should check.
> I've looked at SIL's open font license several times in the past and it
> seems fine. It's similar to the Bitstream license -- but better. It is
> considered DFSG free by Debian. In any case, there are other OFL
> licensed fonts in Fedora (e.g., Gentium, which I just chased won in the
> archive).
> I would imagine that Fedora might like to include such an RPM upstream.
> Thanks for the rest of this though. I'll be trying this out.
> Regards,
> Mako

We've ( have talked with some folks inside redhat
about supporting and all seemed kosher, but that thread has trailed off
since...Gentium is a great font and would be great to get it upstream
into Fedora...


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