Status of Ethiopian support

Benj. Mako Hill mako at
Wed Sep 12 00:45:20 EDT 2007

<quote who="Jon Phillips" date="Tue, Sep 11, 2007 at 09:36:29PM -0700">
> We've ( have talked with some folks inside redhat
> about supporting and all seemed kosher, but that thread has trailed off
> since...Gentium is a great font and would be great to get it upstream
> into Fedora...

Gentium is in Fedora and has been for some time. Abyssinica (the
Ethiopic font) is not. Presumably, a bunch of other nice free SIL fonts
are not either.


Benjamin Mako Hill
mako at

Creativity can be a social contribution, but only in so
far as society is free to use the results. --RMS
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