constructivism (Re: Pippy and Calculate - Evolution Solution)

Yoshiki Ohshima yoshiki at
Fri Sep 7 21:14:35 EDT 2007

> > 	We begin with the hypothesis that any subject can be taught
> > 	effectively in some intellectually honest form to any child at any
> > 	stage of development.  -- Jerome Bruner
> >   
> Sounds more like a statement of faith than a falsifiable hypothesis.

  It is too bad to see a perfect caricature of what is wrong with our
project.  Even if it were some random claim from a nameless guy, this
statement could be seen as great encourangement for us all.  We are
doing this project because we think that kids of all ages *can* learn
intellectually interesting subjects, right?  And, this quote was
actually from a guy who established the constructivist learning
theory, which we are supposed to be based on.

  Yet, one of the key developers of the project simply dismisses the
idea as if it were worthless idea...

  Let us turn the trend around and try to make Nicholas' statement be
true: "It is an education project, not a laptop project".  Shall we?

-- Yoshiki

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