Telling time (was: StopWatch activity)

Bert Freudenberg bert at
Fri Nov 16 15:32:24 EST 2007

On Nov 16, 2007, at 21:13 , nick knouf wrote:

> On Nov 16, 2007, at 1:57 PM, Yoshiki Ohshima wrote:
>>   Well, it seems that you are responding to a wrong message.
> Not really; if the question is whether or not there is a clock
> application that is standard on the laptop, implicit there is a
> decision as to _what kind_ of clock application.  It's that question
> that I wanted to highlight.

Yes, you are answering in the wrong thread. Having an activity for  
exploring time is obviously valuable. What I was suggesting though is  
that there should *not* be a clock in the Sugar frame visible all the  

Granted, all office-centric operating systems / GUIs have one. So  
what? We shouldn't. If a kid wants one, make Sugar easy to modify to  
allow this and other modifications we might not even think of, yet.

- Bert -

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