Telling time (was: StopWatch activity)

Jameson "Chema" Quinn jquinn at
Fri Nov 16 16:03:08 EST 2007

> What I was suggesting though is
> that there should *not* be a clock in the Sugar frame visible all the
> time.

+1 to including hooks to Sugar for frame-resident mini-apps.
+1 to making the frame clock optional (turned on from the clock activity -
another reason to keep it an activity) and not the default option. If people
want it, they will find it - vice versa is not as true.
+1 to a respect that there are vastly differing cultural views of time

-1 to the idea that any other culture's view of time is so inherently
fragile that it can be shattered by a simple digital clock. The percentage
of people who have NOT seen a clock is ever-shrinking - I suspect it's
a safe guess that many people reading this message may have grown up when
that percentage was several times what it is now. I'll hazard another bet:
the xo will NOT have any measurable impact on that trend. And another:
many cultural views of time are in fact just as compatible with the clock as
yours, even if you (naturally) think that yours is the logical result of the

-1 to the idea that we should deliberately leave out features in order to
encourage kids to program. O, ye of little faith.

My opinions,
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