Recommendations for WiFi gear

Gerard J. Cerchio gjpc at
Sat Dec 1 20:17:18 EST 2007

Hal Murray wrote:
> I don't have any WiFi gear for my XO to talk to.  One of these days, I'm 
> going to fix that.
> Is there an obvious box I should get?  I've only got one XO so there aren't 
> any others to mesh with.  I'm looking for a way to get to the outside world 
> that will work with the power saving mode.
> If there is a setup that many people with XOs are happily using, I'll just 
> jump on the bandwagon.
> I didn't find a Wiki page on this area.  Did I miss it?
> Are people generally using a typical WiFi base-station/router box or adding a 
> WiFi card to a handy box and setting it up as a router?
> My checklist includes;
>   Secure
>   Works with XO
>   Easy to drive
>   Reasonable price
> Probably in that order.
> Fry's/Outpost has the Linksys WRT54GL for $60.  I'm OK with that price so I 
> doubt if price will be a serious issue.
I have a personal preference for D-Link's. We are running 20 of then in 
our WISP with minimal problems.

- Gerard

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