[OLPC-devel] (no subject)

David Zeuthen davidz at redhat.com
Wed Jun 21 11:58:01 EDT 2006


I'm working on streamlining this process I'm almost there (needs a bit
more work plus need to write instructions in the Wiki). Basically it's
like this

 1) download an image; this one is known to work


 2) uncompress the image using bunzip2;

   # bunzip2 olpc-stream-development-27-20060619_1000-ext3.img.bz2

 3) Transfer the image to the USB stick (needs to be 512MB or bigger)
    (make sure you unmount all partitions from the stick if your
     OS automounts them and replace /dev/sda with the device file
     from your stick)

   # dd if=olpc-stream-development-27-20060619_1000-ext3.img of=/dev/sda bs=512

and, hey presto, you should be able to boot the USB stick from either a
test-A board or a i386-based PC. Let us know if these steps work.


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