[OLPC-devel] do we need s/o to make .swf plug-in for olpc browser?

John R. jhoger at gmail.com
Fri Jul 21 00:44:20 EDT 2006

On 7/20/06, Kenneth Østby <kenneth.ostby at gmail.com> wrote:

> Could it be an idea to push the encoding part on a proxy of some sort and
> connect the "flash" plugin to that, like the X-server works today. That way
> one can develop a lighter(cpu/ram) protocol for all the different forms of
> media encodings out there like flash, shockwave, qucktime and so on.

I thought this was unworkable at first, but thinking again, this idea
has some legs. The beefy PC would just run each real codec or plugin
to render and have VLC or something like that on the OLPC. A web proxy
(Squid?) just rewrites the links.


There seems to be a browser plugin for VLC around but I don't know how
well it embeds in the browser. Maybe there is some work there. There's
probably no thought been given to proxying .swf to streaming video so
there is work there too. This would work ok for flash movies but not
interactive flash stuff.

Not terribly scalable, but I guess it would work. Best case would be
Gnash starts to work well and is profiled and optimized to work well
with the OLPC.

-- John.

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