[Wikireader] infobox case study

Håkon Wium Lie howcome at opera.com
Fri Feb 27 16:40:40 EST 2009

I've done a case study on the "infobox" markup in Wikipedia which may
be of interest. More specifically, I've done a comparison of the
current markup of an existing infobox (in the article on Norway) and
an alternative, table-free version that I have written.


The alternative version is simpler, smaller, and more semantic. In the
table-free version:

 - style attributes are not allowed 

 - table markup are only used for real tables, not for layout purposes

 - all div and span elements have a class attribute with a meaningful

 - semantic elements (e.g., dl, dt, dt, ol, li are preferred over div
   and span, when appropriate

I suggest that these principles are followed for Wikipedia's markup in


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª
howcome at opera.com                  http://people.opera.com/howcome

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