[Wikireader] Developers Meeting is over - openZIM project found and roadmap planned

Manuel Schneider manuel.schneider at wikimedia.ch
Mon Feb 23 05:30:03 EST 2009

see our short news in different languages (EN, FR, IT, DE and RM) on Wikimedia 


Goal is to have a demo ready - openZIM serving the german Wikipedia on a DVD - 
until LinuxTag 2009.

Note: This project is about technical matters for providing a toolchain like 
dumper, writer, indexer, reader, a data format, compression algorithms etc.
Not about practises like white- and blacklists, content processing etc.

openZIM can be used for all kind of hypertext content but Wikipedia is the 
major development goal and a good showcase (challenging amount of data, 
licenses, high interest and a lot of users).

The project website can be found at http://openzim.org/

Manuel Schneider

Wikimedia CH - Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
Wikimedia CH - Association for the advancement of free knowledge

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