[Toronto-dev] Sat Sept 22: 11AM BBQ/Brunch & Community School Server Demo !

Jennifer Martino jennifer.j.martino at gmail.com
Thu Sep 20 19:03:27 EDT 2012

I'll be there 


On 2012-09-20, at 7:01 PM, Kevin Gordon <kgordon420 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Sned me directions, sir.  I seem to have purged the previous year's.
> On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 4:29 PM, Holt <holt at laptop.org> wrote:
> Can we give the world's poorest schools "Solar-powered micro-clouds" ?  Join our early demo BBQ/Brunch to find out:
>   11AM SATURDAY SEP 22 (autumn begins!)
>   Elora, Ontario -- 1+ hr West of Toronto
> RSVP for directions and/or if you need a ride from Toronto, Thanks !  Volunteers will be presenting their progress on an exciting new Community School Server, evolving out of OLPC's open-source XS project:
>     https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1dnhU2F6EntepVXTgN8QpkME8fZVUuPjcCoMUfAVKbcc
> This new more modular approach incorporates schools' ongoing feedback from Haiti, Philippines, Jamaica, Madagascar, Australia & beyond -- while building on OLPC's original http://wiki.laptop.org/go/School_server
> Teachers/hackers/volunteers/principals/educators especially welcome to come take a look, exploring the early demo en route to San Francisco's global summit & hack sprint in a month (http://olpcSF.org/summit).  Please ask questions to help us all get ready!
>     * how specifically can an open school server strengthen poor schools worldwide?
>     * giving them free & open tools to build tight learning communities of teachers/parents/admins & kids?
>     * where do librarians, curators & scout leaders critically fit in to a global culture of DIY learning?
>     * must 3rd world schools sit idly by as cloud-computing / iPhoney revolutions pass them by?
>     * what global culture+institutions will best sustain true grassroots learning?
> Technical/Red Hat/Fedora folks are invited to join our efforts and meet developers providing a firsthand look at our early Community School Server Demo:
>     * breaking apart OLPC's monolithic XS install into its core component / separate feature sets
>     * porting XS 0.7 from CentOS to the faster-moving Fedora 17 (which also runs on super-low power ARM processors like the 4-Watt XO-1.75 !)
>     * permitting easy migration to i386 and 64-bit platforms, and trivially to new versions of Fedora (so we won't again be stuck on Fedora 9 for 2+ yrs, etc)
>     * encouraging flexible features your school can add without harming the rest, EG:
>        - WebDAV: permits teachers to share files with students & one another
>        - client-server user interface: GUI administration by regular teachers, across network
>        - book server: easier integration of Pathagar-like libraries of free ebooks
>        - Moodle's LMS: proven free source (e)Learning Management System, keep classes organized!
> Remember to RSVP for directions and/or if you need a ride from Toronto.  Those who cannot attend are strongly encouraged to post questions at http://schoolserver.wordpress.com/blog and on http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/server-devel where we'll be documenting our progress soon, THANKS!
> --
> Help kids everywhere map their world, at http://olpcMAP.net
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