[Toronto-dev] Game Jam Logistics

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at vrplumber.com
Thu Nov 15 12:28:32 EST 2007

Hi all,

As you will all recall, we're going to be holding a Game Jam this 
weekend.  At the moment we have 5 confirmed participants and 1 tentative 
participant.  We probably have to cap at 8 total so we're not 
overrunning Linux Caffe or making it hard to work together, still if 
you're interested we probably have a spot or two.


    We'll try to retain some sense of normalcy with regard to the amount
    of time spent on the Jam.  While hacking 48 hours straight might be
    fun, we'll go for something that won't leave us all dead on Monday.

        * Friday, 7pm to 11pm, primarily design, plans for dev, dev
          environment setups, and spike tests
        * Saturday (the long day), 10am to 11pm, development, testing
        * Sunday (the short day), 10am to 6pm, development, testing

    That gives us 25 hours of working time, which should be enough to
    complete a reasonably fun game.  No bars against working outside
    those times if you're fired up and want to do something at home, but
    we'll leave those as the "office hours" for the project.


    Linux Caffe, Corner of Grace and Harbord, 1 block South from the
    entrance of Christie subway station


    Linux Caffe, of course, has snacks and tea and coffee (I'll pick up
    the tab for brewed tea and coffee and some munchies).  They also
    have light lunch fare, soups, sandwiches, pasta salads, that kind of
    thing.  We may go out for (cheap) Korean Barbecue or Ethiopian food
    in the neighborhood at some point.


    Those of you renting laptops from Dave will be using thin-client
    machines with direct network connections.  They are not AFAIK on the
    same network as the wifi system.  As such, no network testing other
    than with each other.  The machines in the regular wifi network
    should all be able to see each other for testing.

Dev Environment:

    If you have Ubuntu or Gentoo on your i386/amd64 laptop,
    sugar-jhbuild is compiling properly this week (mostly).  If you can
    get that built (I can help, preferably before tomorrow), it's ideal
    for development, as you can run full-speed on your native machine.

    If you have a powerful laptop running Windows or Mac, you may be
    able to use VMWare/Parallels to run one of the VMWare images.

    If you have an older Mac/Windows laptop (e.g. a PowerPC-based one),
    you'll likely need to work across the network either on someone
    else's emulated machine, someone's jhbuild laptop, or directly on an XO.

    I'll go into Linux Caffe early tomorrow and see if I can get
    sugar-jhbuild to complete on the thin-client machines.

    I'm still looking at how to provide reasonable
    code-repository-sharing facilities.

Have fun,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

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