[Testing] Testing Summary: 19 November 2011 - Auckland, New Zealand

Gary Martin garycmartin at googlemail.com
Sat Nov 19 13:18:10 EST 2011

Hi Tabitha,

On 19 Nov 2011, at 08:53, Tabitha Roder wrote:

> Testing Summary: 19 November 2011 - Auckland, New Zealand
> Who: Fabiana, Oliver, Tabitha, Tom
> os11 on XO-1.75:
> Clyde crashed on first start, but worked ok after restarting. See https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/ehjASCzvF1ZgZ9z55QBFPQ?feat=directlink for a somewhat dodgy screenshot of the crash.
> Raised https://dev.laptop.org/ticket/11478 for X page allocation errors -- we encountered many of these errors both on os11 and os882 when using terminal.
> Changed timezone and restarted. Worked in that the time changed, but the time on the computer is wrong. 
> Can't find any power management options. The settings seem to have been reduced (or there is no scroll bar). One of the XO-1.75s continually has a black screen when you stop typing on it for few seconds. 
> Record. Took picture. Tried to take video but Record crashed before videoing began. Same problem occurred on other XO-1.75.

-- snip --

> Moon. Failed to Start.

Moon requires the date to be set to a reasonably current date – there is already a ticket open for me to improve the fail case (I'll likely raise a warning dialogue strip if your current date is out of ranfe), and/or re-write the calculations to be more date agnostic (big re-write and issues finding correctly Open Source licensed formulas we can distribute with reasonable accuracy).

-- snip --

> Nearly every time the laptop suspends, when you resume you get text on the screen and a flicker before you see the Sugar GUI again.
> Power light stays on in suspend.

Yes 11.3.1 (XO-1.75) is fairly unusable for me (a step back from the 883 provisional release which works well enough for me to develop on). It seemed to install and boot well, and I was really pleased to hear the sound working, clear and loud (start-up chime and some tinkering with aplay from Terminal). From then on it is pretty unusable, with the near instant dropping to the console after every 5-10sec of inactivity, which on wake seems to scramble the trackpad calibration (though thankfully the touch screen still functions); refusing to wake from a suspend and so needing hard power down (which can then trigger other issues).


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