[Testing] Testing Summary: 19 November 2011 - Auckland, New Zealand

Tabitha Roder tabitha at tabitha.net.nz
Sat Nov 19 03:53:14 EST 2011

Testing Summary: 19 November 2011 - Auckland, New Zealand
Who: Fabiana, Oliver, Tabitha, Tom

os11 on XO-1.75:
Clyde crashed on first start, but worked ok after restarting. See
a somewhat dodgy screenshot of the crash.

Raised https://dev.laptop.org/ticket/11478 for X page allocation errors --
we encountered many of these errors both on os11 and os882 when using

Changed timezone and restarted. Worked in that the time changed, but the
time on the computer is wrong.
Can't find any power management options. The settings seem to have been
reduced (or there is no scroll bar). One of the XO-1.75s continually has a
black screen when you stop typing on it for few seconds.

Record. Took picture. Tried to take video but Record crashed before
videoing began. Same problem occurred on other XO-1.75.

Implode. Works.

Maze. Works. Don't like the arrows on the clicky key keyboard as they are
in a line not in a cross (hmm... how to explain that better... the arrow
keys go left, down, up, right, all in a straight line on the keyboard). If
you were playing three player on this keyboard then the person using
keyboard arrows would be disadvantaged.

Physics. Works. Excited about what might be coming with regards to Walters
recent work - bouncy rubber balls are high on our list ;-p

Tamtam Mini - no sound, activity starts but can't do much without sound

Memorize - played preloaded games. Created two games, both saved
successfully to journal and both could be played - words only, didn't test
pictures or sounds.

Moon. Failed to Start.

Paint. Works. Tested pretty much all the options. The baby pressed some
combination of keys and made the window go off a bit to the side. Anyone
know what to do to reset the window position?

Write. Works.

Finance. Works.

Labyrinth. Works.

Ruler. Works.

Stopwatch. Works. Still don't like the re-ordering that it does when you
make a mark.

Words. Seems some odd words - there is no "how" or "who" translation, and
it gives you "whore" instead of "who". Definition is also odd (hacker?) and
the explanation does not have text wrap so you can't read the whole

Get books. Successfully downloaded a Cory Doctorow book and opened it from
the Journal (it opened the .pdf in Read by default). Also
downloaded Jules Verne book from Internet Archive as a DJVU and it also
opened in Read. It seemed harder to read the DJVU than the PDF file, so I
downloaded the same Verne book as a PDF to see if it was easier to read.
But even though it opened the second PDF in Read, it just kept saying
loading and showed all white pages, used almost 100% CPU. Didn't crash, but
we did close it as it just took too long and didn't seem to be making any
progress. Closing worked normally and it had the same behavior on reopening.

Help. Started. Clicked on some of the page headings down left. Activity
crashed. Still showed Help activity icon in the centre of the activity ring
view, but not in the frame. Tried to get logs for Help.

Tried right click restart from centre of activity ring but nothing

Typing turtle works, but apparently six months old is too young to expect
much accuracy and baby got a bit bored (he liked physics more).

Pippy. Lots of stuff tried, seemed to work, but very slow to respond so
wasn't sure whether I was doing the right things (like pressing ESC to exit
the program being run in Pippy).

Ran the diagnostic tests. Most tests pass.
Fails on external SD card (no card in).
The RTC real time clock test failed - why? We are unable to reset the clock
in gnome on this laptop -- it seems to be keeping time but thinks it is
January 2000. We haven't tried our other XO 1.75
Sound test works but no sound in activities - why?
Tried testing accelerometer - found that if laptop was moved during the
test it gave message "Z axis error Selftest failed. Return code = -1".
Should the laptop be moved to test accelerometer or kept still?

Nearly every time the laptop suspends, when you resume you get text on the
screen and a flicker before you see the Sugar GUI again.

Power light stays on in suspend.

os1 on XO-1.5:
Ivy crashed on suspend.
Pressing the power button doesn't do anything


os1 on XO-1:
update-nand worked as expected on two laptops, but they did not start
afterwards -- they just drop into the open firmware with no errors.

Thanks testers.
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