[Testing] Software update problems in OLPC 10.1.3

Samuel Greenfeld greenfeld at laptop.org
Sat Jan 8 23:13:57 EST 2011

On 1/8/2011 10:38 PM, S Page wrote:
> Summary: Software update of Help keeps failing; python errors checking
> some activities; misleading output.
> My XO-1 was up-to-date against the Activities/G1G1Lite group for
> 10.1.2 before the olpc-upgrade to build 360.
The latest build is now 860 (not 360) but your report probably is still 
useful.  The 860 build is signed, and will install on any secured XO 
which does not have deployment-specific overriding keys.
> I have accumulated various activities over time, particularly from the
> glitch in updating to 10.1.2 where I got the big set of activities for
> XO-1.5 before I changed to the G1G1Lite activity group.  I had removed
> some of those.
> I followed http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Software_update#Debugging_the_updater,
> $ sugar-control-panel -s install_update Help
> This was very slow checking some activities such as Help, Measure and
> Analyze, printing a "XX%" progress indicator
> == Misleading output ==
> I note again that the URL that Software update claims that it's
> checking is wrong.  It says "Fetching
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Activities/G1G1Lite" but it's actually
> fetching something like
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Activities/G1G1Lite/10.1.3 . I already filed
> http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/10321
This actually is known; the updater actually uses this URL as a base and 
first tries adding "/10.1.3" then "/10.1" then "/10" then finally just 
the URL itself to see if there are any version-specific pages.  Prior to 
these it may also try appending the build's number & description, 
although I'm not certain exactly what it's doing there (i.e. 
"/360_Customized").  The first URL tried which retrieves a valid web 
page is used.

> Failure updating ACTIVITY_NAME none none
> ...  in _retrieve_update_version... in only_best_update, in __lt__, ...
> sugar/bundle/bundleversion.py line 135, in _cannot_compare
>    % (Type(self). __name__, type(other).__name__))
> TypeError: Can not compare NormalizedVersion and str
> I think these are installed activities that aren't in the G1G1Lite
> activity group.
This potentially is an issue; but I do not have an XO-1 with me at the 
moment to reproduce it.  This specific error may also be related to the 
extended version activity numbering support added in 10.1.3.

Did you install any applications not found in the G1G1Lite set?

The G1G1Lite group actually is missing some activities found in the 
original G1G1 group such as WikipediaEN, but this should not matter 
unless your XO-1 was upgraded without reflashing from another build 
prior to 10.1.2.   10.1.3's G1G1Lite group actually adds a few 
activities (Jukebox and Image Viewer) back.

> == Help update fails ==
> But for Help, there's no error
> Software update just prints "downloading Help...", then exits without error.
> I don't see anything in shell.log
> Software update downloads a temp copy of the activity to
> ~olpc/Activities/HelpXXXXXX , but it removes it and I can't see how to
> keep this around to look at it.  I'm not sure how to debug further.
Is your XO's drive full?  I imagine the system would be asking you to 
remove Journal entries when rebooted in that case though.

What path did your XO-1 take to be upgraded?  Was it running anything 
before 10.1.2, and did you use olpc-update to upgrade every time?

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