[Testing] Update on 10.1.3 testing efforts

S Page skierpage at gmail.com
Sat Jan 8 21:25:33 EST 2011

I updated my XO-1 from 10.1.2 (build 852) using `sudo olpc-update
10.1.3_xo1-360`.  It went smoothly and I have slightly more space than
I did before.

>And we will setup a page [4] where you
> can leave comments on items you tested.

I noted my success in
.  I tweaked that section's instructions because they didn't use sudo
and hardcoded build "os358".

The only glitch is Software update.  I was up-to-date against the
Activities/G1G1Lite group before the olpc-upgrade.  On reboot I was
prompted to run it (nice!), it update several activities, but then
offered to upgrade two activities.  I thought maybe this was a second
step so didn't pay attention to what activities they were and clicked
[Install selected].  Now it keeps offering to upgrade Help from
version 11 to 12.  ~olpc/Activities has a Help from 2009-12-12 whose
activity.info says activity_version=11  I'll send separate e-mail

=S Page

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