[Testing] Testing summary Auckland October 30 2010

Fabiana Kubke mf.kubke at gmail.com
Sat Oct 30 02:08:11 EDT 2010

Present Fabiana, Robin

Restested the problem of loosing the function keys after unmounting the usb
see email thread:
asked to see if it was related to this ticket

System XO1.0 and XO1.5 both with Sugar 0.90.

I have several pages of testing sequences (that I will not transcribe). The
problem was determined not to be associated with the 'unmounting of the usb'
as originally reported. It seems that the function keys get broken whenever
an icon is dragged, whether it is moved or not to a different position. This
is true for icons on the journal directory, on the usb directory, but also
when trying to drag an icon in the activity circle.
This would mean that a small inadvertent drag when trying to open an
activity would make the top row of keys on the keyboard to stop functioning.

I also updated the information on


M Fabiana Kubke

Department of Anatomy | University of Auckland | New Zealand
(+64) 9 373-7599 Ext 86002 | (+64)9 923 6002 (direct) | Mobile: (+64) 210
437 121

Skype: superfabs | http://twitter.com/Kubke | http://identi.ca/kubke |
http://buildingblogsofscience.wordpress.com |
http://sciblogs.co.nz/building-blogs-of-science |
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