[Testing] [olpc-nz] Testing summary - Auckland New Zealand, 29 May 2010
Christian Marc Schmidt
christianmarc at gmail.com
Tue Jun 1 10:57:01 EDT 2010
Thanks Gary, and Mikus. As Gary mentioned, I'm working on a set of mockups I
will be able to share soon. To me they are a way to address the feedback
from the recent tests we did around resume vs. start new.
More soon,
On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 10:35 AM, Gary C Martin
<garycmartin at googlemail.com>wrote:
> Hi Mikus,
> Just wanted to say thanks for the feedback, and yes, UI latency issues are
> real tender subject... The trick (I hope) with a replacement fullscreen
> dialogue is that it doesn't need to do any of the actual activity start-up
> process which is what I understand is the delay for the pulse window
> appearing, and then the duration it then pulses for. A full screen dialogue
> 'should' be making no more dbus requests than the current pop-up palette,
> it's just a different UI technique for the same information. I hope such a
> change would help resolve:
> 1) confusion many have between start new, and resume by making that choice
> explicit and of equal value
> 2) avoid the whole insta pop-up vs. delayed hover palette vs. right click
> vs. left click debates
> 3) avoid the need for cursor dexterity to use a current palette
> 4) the additional screen real-estate may allow an extra feature (I'm
> thinking "Start shared", ideal for chat etc)
> Thanks again for your feedback, Christian has some nice mock-ups (he's
> still working on so not posted anywhere yet) – I imaging we'll be having
> another design #sugar-meeting this weekend to bounce the concept around a
> little more if you wanted to attend.
> Regards,
> --Gary
> On 1 Jun 2010, at 00:02, Mikus Grinbergs wrote:
> >> Thanks, that's a good point to raise. Christian and I had quick
> #sugar-meeting on Saturday about
> >> some ongoing design plans to improve the resume/start behaviour. It's
> roughly a full screen
> >> dialogue (like the control panel and naming dialogues) that appear when
> an activity is clicked,
> >> and provides the features currently found in the hover home palettes.
> It's one solution to the,
> >> "if I click will it resume a previous session, or start new?"
> >>
> >> Perhaps with this extra space it might be possible to introduce a way
> >> to 'start shared' for new activities.
> >
> > Please consider:
> >
> > Palettes may require dexterity to use - but they *already* allow the
> > user to select between 'start anew' and 'resume'.
> >
> > My experience with "full screen" is that they take WAY TOO LONG to open
> > with F11-on-XO -- for instance the wait between clicking on an icon in
> > Home View and seeing the "launching" full screen is often one second -
> > and occasionally it's been more like five seconds.
> >
> > The advantage of the palette is that "what is happening" is visible
> > throughout -- the user has to hover (or left click) first, before the
> > palette opens -- and subsequently when the user clicks within a palette
> > that entry's highlight disappears instantly; whereas ANY interval
> > whatsoever after the triggering action for invoking full screen leaves
> > the user dangling "in purgatory" until that expected screen appears.
> >
> >
> > Also, while simplifying user controls is wonderful for when things go as
> > expected, the user is left helpless when they do not. In this case,
> > suppose the user indicates 'start shared' - and the Activity starts, but
> > doesn't share. What is the user expected to do - write a problem ticket?
> > [I was thinking of a "try again to share" capability.]
> >
> >
> > mikus
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
anything at christianmarcschmidt.com
917/ 575 0013
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