[Testing] Wellington Testing Summary - 17 July 2010

Tim McNamara mcnamara.tim at gmail.com
Sat Jul 17 00:13:28 EDT 2010

Attendees: Tim, Brenda, Kristina, Greer

Rainy day in Wellington. Lots of screaming kids at the Southern Cross.
Brenda & I introduced two new people to Sugar testing, which was really
good. They're both now running with SoaS.

Sugar: confusion with save to journal dialogue
  version: 0.88

    A new user to Sugar closed out of the Chat  using the stop sign. The
    dialogue that appeared with "Chat Activity" made her think that she
    could change the name of Chat to "Speech Bubble". She was very
    confused when she went back to the home view to find that "Chat"
    was the label of her Activity.

  version: 113

    Is it possible to emulate Sugar's palettes, rather than having speech
    bubbles? This would pull things away from what is natural in the Squeak
    world, but would add consistency.

Home: List View
  env: XO-1.5, os203, Sugar 0.84
    All Activities are reported as "2 years, 9 months ago" after reflashing
    the system. Would it be possible to change Open Firmwar's fs-update
    word to change the date to the current time? Another solution that
    would be more generic would be for the first boot to access time
    servers if possible to get the current time, and then update the

"My Settings" dialogue:
  env: XO-1.5, os203, Sugar 0.84
  problem: two ways to turn networking off
    "Power management" & "Nework" both appear to impact on the wireless
    networking, but they don't appear to toggle each other.

  problem: icon overflow
    some icons are hidden on the right of the "My Settings" page.
    [note: I submitted a patch to fix this a while ago]

"About my Computer" dialogue:
  problem: text overflow
  version: XO-1.5, os203, Sugar 0.84
    At the Copyright & License section, the copyright attribution overflows
    on the right.
    [note: I submitted a patch to fix this a while ago]

SoaS Mirabelle:
  problem: instability
  env: as guest operating system with Mac OS X 10.6 host, booting from .iso

    phantom bug, e.g. we couldn't replicate this. Thought it may be
worthwhile to report

    Activities were running well, then..
    Record failed to start.
    Write failed to start.
    Chat failed to start.
    TurtleArt failed to reach animated icon.

    rebooting appeared to fix everything.

SoaS Mirabelle:
  problem: Frame nearly impossible to access as guest OS
  env: as guest operating system with Mac OS X 10.6 host, booting from .iso

    It's very difficult to access the Frame with the mouse in a virtual
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