[Testing] Wellington Testing Summary - Saturday 12 April

Alastair Munro aperson39 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 11 20:13:06 EDT 2010

Who: Alastair

Testing os802b5:

The first activity I tried to load was Write which I couldn't get to start.

I then proceeded to work through a number of other activities testing most
of the major functionality except any collaboration:
Maze - works well
Socialcalc - works well
Terminal - tabbing which I hadn't seen before is cool and feels very quick
Implode - messages when you can't finish the puzzle are helpful although not
obvious that the button next to the message undoes all moves
Memorize - works well
Measure - UI momentarily locks up when top slider on sound tab is changed
Record - On one of the launches couldnt cannot see and picture when on video
tab, recording video doesn't crash actvity but makes it unusable
seems to be caused by gatreamer error (See log excerpt below)
Subsequent launches of activity worked fine
Speak - clicking robot tab crashes activity consistently

Mouse driver issue seems to be more common on os802b5 than previous builds

Record Log:
** (sugar-activity:2529): DEBUG: Received SaveYourself(SmSaveLocal,
!Shutdown, SmInteractStyleNone, !Fast) in state idle
** (sugar-activity:2529): DEBUG: Sending SaveYourselfDone(True) for initial
** (sugar-activity:2529): DEBUG: Received SaveComplete message in state
OIL: ERROR liboiltest.c 361: oil_test_check_impl(): illegal instruction in
1270857570.797963 ERROR record:glive.py: play_pipe: GStreamer encountered a
general stream error. gstbasesrc.c(1642): gst_base_src_loop ():
streaming task paused, reason not-linked (-1)
1270857570.800143 WARNING record:glive.py: use fallback_bin
1270857812.109737 WARNING root: DSObject was deleted without cleaning up
first. Call DSObject.destroy() before disposing it.
1270857812.355392 WARNING root: No gtk.AccelGroup in the top level window.
1270857812.358150 WARNING root: No gtk.AccelGroup in the top level window.
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