[Testing] Testing meeting minutes, 2009-01-15

Mel Chua mel at laptop.org
Fri Jan 16 02:39:40 EST 2009

Done! http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Community_testing_meetings/2009-01-15

Logs are available at 

Mostly we all just have a lot of things to work through right now, so 
the meeting was small/short/light tonight. Some things that are going on:

* tabitha has the list of Activity testing requests and will put them 
out for the Welly testers tomorrow.
* mchua is chugging down through 8.2.1 (hurrah for bpepple's email with 
useful links), and will see about throwing more scouts at Fedora testing...
* garycmartin is pulling in the email threads for NANDblaster (done, 
http://wiki.laptop.org/go/NANDblaster#After_receiving) and poking 
Activity testing up towards the SL Activity team.



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