[Testing] The Tech Museum as a testing venue?

Luke Faraone luke at faraone.cc
Tue Jan 13 14:43:26 EST 2009

On Tue, 2009-01-13 at 11:20 -0800, Robert Stephenson wrote:
> The XOs would certainly be anchored down, if only to make sure they
> don't walk out the door.  Plus, we usually have a volunteer on duty in
> every gallery.

Ah, good.

> What stage testing would we be talking about here?  It would be
> important to make sure that most of the laptops were functional enough
> at any given moment that kids could profitably play with them.

If you'd like you can use the latest "release" build[1], but the most
useful work would be with the "Friends in Testing" builds[2], which
passed the automated smoketests and were thought to be ready for public
testing.  For example, the current FiT build is a Release Candidate
slated to be shipped to deployments if no problems are found. 

[1]: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Release_notes 
[2]: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Friends_in_testing

Luke Faraone

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