[Testing] Testing meeting notes 2009-01-08

Mel Chua mel at laptop.org
Fri Jan 9 17:51:23 EST 2009

A big thank-you to whoever posted the logs at last night's meeting - 
here are the notes, but you'll likely want to check out 
http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Community_testing_meetings/2009-01-08 for some 
backstory too.

I'm now going to start calling these testing meetings rather than 
community testing meetings, to avoid redundancy. ;)


PS: Add to next meeting's agenda at 
http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Community_testing_meetings/2009-01-15 - next 
week, same time, same place, folks. (Yeah, I'll be setting up some wiki 
redirects soon.)

== Meeting logs ==

See exactly what happened at 

=== The big question ===

We actually seem to be in quite good shape to take on all of QA, so... 
can anybody see any reason why continuing what we are doing now isn't 
going to work?

Concerns, questions, comments, ideas? Please post them here. 

=== Activity testing ===

Activity testing wrapped up with mad mad props to all our testers from 
around the globe - Oceania had a great showing of test groups. There 
were some things that we didn't expect to get tested that were tested 
(NANDblaster, thanks to Joel Stanley & co.) and some things that we 
still have to test more thoroughly (see Appendix 1) -  overall, it was a 
great first round, and we spent most of our time developing an 
infrastructure that will make it way easy to test Activities in the future.

=== 8.2.1 testing ===

Brian Pepple continues to heroically lead the [[Friends in Testing]] 
effort. Mel Chua will continue as the [[8.2.1]] testing manager (and now 
actually has time to do it).

Brian raised a good question in terms of mailing lists: test results 
should go to both devel and testing, but everything else QA-related 
should go to testing (i.e. devel should only get our "here, test results 
for you!" stuff, or - hopefully more rarely - our "we can't test X until 
you do Y, please unblock us" emails.)

=== On recent changes ===

* We now have a 100% volunteer QA group. YAY!
* Testing ''can'' be managed by volunteers, says Ed. No need for it to 
be a staff member. (Mel is in this role for 8.2.1 as a volunteer now.)
* The

<tabitha> so for testers - we still submit bug reports and still send in 
info to
testing at lists.laptop.org - but maybe no one will fix stuff?
<mchua> tabitha: I think it is more like "the people fixing stuff are 
now all
volunteers instead of sometimes being employees," so our strategies for bug
advocacy may have to shift a bit

<mchua> So, taking on the responsibility to get testing of $foo_component
can mean several things, right?
1. you test it yourself
2. you get people around you to come and test under your supervision
3. you get people to test it

=== Concerns ===

To be visited during [[XOCamp_2#QA]] - concerns from this meeting have 
been posted in that section, please add yours there.

=== Other notes ===

Appendix 1: Activities that need more testing

* Help
* the 4 TamTams
* Pippy
* Turtle Art
* Calculate
* Measure
* Distance
* Ruler
* Scratch
* WikiBrowse English
* Log

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