[Testing] Please help test our new best 8.2.0 candidate, 8.2-763!

Michael Stone michael at laptop.org
Tue Sep 23 22:28:36 EDT 2008

You'll know that we're nearing the end of our arduous 8.2.0 release cycle when
you see the polish and features in our new candidate build, 8.2-763, valid
until Wednesday, September 30 [1]. Its changelog (from 759) is available here:


Please help test it according to the detailed instructions at


while we still have time to document any issues that you might find!

Next, please hammer on the list of activities and content that we currently
intend to ship:

    http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Activities/G1G1/8.2.0  (will be updated tomorrow)
    (NB: the activity updater should pull all this down for you, if you ask it)

Currently known issues are recorded at:

    and in the usual http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Trac_queries

New issues should be filed in our bug-tracking system (dev.laptop.org)
according to


or by notifying us by other means.

Finally, for those of you anxiously waiting to test 8.2.0 builds on locked
laptops, we expect to have a signed build for you this week. Watch


for progress.



[1]: The multi-hundred-thousand-laptop question is: 2008 or 2009? :)

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