[Testing] chat question

Robert Myers rmyers7 at mindspring.com
Sun Sep 14 15:25:46 EDT 2008

I recall seeing somewhere that Chat is now supposed to work with non-xo 

1) I can't find the reference now. Anyone know where it is, or am I 
hallucinating again?

2) Chat still seems to behave the same to me.
I point both my Mac and my XO to jabber.olpcacks.org.
I start Chat on the xo, Adium on the Mac.
I see the XO as available in Adium and open chat window, type from 
either end. Nothing happens.

This seems to be a _slight_ improvement from when I saw a long numeric 
name for the XO, I now see its nickname.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there a bug? Is this the way it's 
supposed to be?


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