[Testing] Testing w/ kids - starting this Sat.

Mel Chua mel at laptop.org
Mon Oct 13 21:41:08 EDT 2008

> Also, for the most part fairly-well-off kids at a nice museum in the 
> US are not our target market.  Trying to make any sort of assumption 
> based on what /these/ children do in a short amount of time would be 
> even less informative.
For the purpose of developing quick, semi-informal volunteer-run test 
procedures for observing what kids do, this is the easiest group for us 
to reach right now - it would be awesome if deployment teams out in the 
field could help develop this type of testing since they are, as Seth 
pointed out, around our target market.

That having been said, I do think there's a pretty good chance we can 
get good feedback and find bugs even with non-target-market kids. 
Breaking software in surprising ways knows no demographic boundaries. ;)

> This idea needs some rethinking before we drop it on the Museum staff 
> and volunteers.

I absolutely agree that maintaining good relationships between OLPC, 
OLPC community groups doing testing, and hosts like the Museum is vital 
- that's why I ran this Saturday's tests by the Museum staff and got 
approval earlier this week before we even announced that we were going 
to try it out.

The point of a first-run strawman trial is that you *know* you're going 
to rethink it afterwards. :)


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