[Testing] testing 767 for a deployment next week

Bryan Berry bryan at olenepal.org
Fri Nov 14 03:09:25 EST 2008

Hello all,

We are deploying 15 laptops to a small school next week w/ build 767 and
XS 0.4

I have 5 young interns who are doing all of the work. If you are curious
about them, you can read more here
http://blog.olenepal.org/index.php/archives/322 . Pradosh Kharel leads
the team.

I have looked through the Community Testing pages that mchua has put up
and here are my notes:

1) great work, this is important stuff
2) The test results don't reflect activity version #

I am embarrassed it took me so long to find the
http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Test_cases_8.2.0 page

I will try to communicate our results back to this list and the wiki.

I am concerned about XS-XO integration as we are adding some features to
our version of the XS: 
1. Moodle
2. customized Dansguardian
3. customized squid

Also, I have always had trouble w/ ejabberd and Idmgr.

will let you know how it goes.

Keep up the great work Mel!

Bryan W. Berry
Technology Director
OLE Nepal, http://www.olenepal.org

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