[Testing] #4951 testing

Christoph Derndorfer e0425826 at student.tuwien.ac.at
Mon Jul 28 20:34:59 EDT 2008

C. Scott Ananian schrieb:
> On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 9:13 PM, Christoph Derndorfer
> <e0425826 at student.tuwien.ac.at> wrote:
>>>> I'm currently without a working XO (for the gory details of what
>>>> happened please see
>>>> http://olpcaustria.soup.io/post/4098862/Managed-to-destroy-the-screen-of-my)
>>>> so I can't test this myself but I think cscott's test case for #4951 is
>>>> something that a few of us should be trying, right?
> #4951 is still blocked on #7495, which I'm still working on, and to
> some degree by #7494.  But any anecdotal evidence from attempts to
> upgrade from 65x to the latest joyride would be useful.
After fixing my display (thanks Seth!) I'm now finally back in the 
possession of a working XO!

Anyway, I proceeded per cscott's test case description on #4951 and 
started off with build-656. The update to joyride-2153 seemed to work 

Upon the reboot I went to the Sugar-Control-Panel and selected "software 
update" and now it's been >10 minutes that I've been looking at the 
"looking for local activities" message and a progress-bar that's not 
moving. Pressing the "cancel" button doesn't have any effect whatsoever, 
I can only exit the screen by clicking on "X" in the corner of the window.

Might this issue be related to the fact that I simply don't have any 
activities installed at the moment?

Also one thing which I noticed is that the SCP window is an overlay 
which stay on top even when you switch to a different view, e.g. when 
going to the network view to check which network you're connected to.

I know this is very much anecdotal story-telling here, still hope it 
helps though...


>  --scott

Christoph Derndorfer
OLPCnews, http://www.olpcnews.com

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