[Testing] Activity Set for 9.1.0

S Page info at skierpage.com
Tue Dec 9 21:39:03 EST 2008

* .xo URL and version live in the Activities/<Activity name>_(latest) 
* Could assemble Activities/9.1.0  or reuse Activities/Joyride now.
* Will there be a new activity group?
* Maintainer lives in the <Activity name> wiki page as the 
Contact_person property.

(I took some of the mailing lists off the recipients.)

Greg Smith wrote:

> I created a section on the 9.1.0 planning page for activities: 
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/9.1.0_requirements#Activities

Each activity's .xo URL and version must be correct in its 
Activities/AwesomeFun_(latest) fragment, so I would link to that rather 
create another diverging list[**], For the Software update control panel 
to work there will eventually have to be an Activites/G1G1/9.1 page that 
pulls in these fragments; you could create this page now, or you could 
repurpose the existing http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Activities/Joyride 
page, adding a section "Activities under consideration to add the 
factory image for 9.1.0".

Will the activity group for the 9.1.0 image continue to be 
Activities/G1G1?  If there will be a new activity group 
("Activities/Nine" ?) then I can make a new checkbox for it in the 
activity form next to
   Activity group:  _ Activities/G1G1  _ Activities/Peru

> Morgan,
> Can you make sure we have the full list of contacts you gathered from 
> the last round? We can also cook up an invite e-mail to get people 
> thinking about 9.1.0 once we have a contact list.

The page for every activity lists its maintainer as Contact_person; on 
the activity's edit form this is called
   Maintainer's user page:   User:Morgs
The testing group has worked on getting this information right for the 
current G1G1 activities, so I would urge updating that field rather than 
creating another diverging list.   The user page for most contacts has 
some indication what their e-mail address is.

I would have the table link to these bits rather than repeat them and 
drift out of date.  I'll think whether there's a way to pull them in so 
readers don't have to follow a link.

The other info in your table (Documentation, URL to Test Case, 	License 
status, 	Status, 	 Comments) is fine, it doesn't duplicate anything 
except maybe http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Property:Devel_status

There should be one place in the wiki for each bit of information, 
anything else leads to extra work and errors.  .xo URLs and versions are 
already listed in:
1. The Activities/AwesomeFun_(latest/8.2/9.1) fragments that Activity 
group pages pull in and which are parsed by the Software update control 
2. The {{OBX xobundle}} "badge" on the activity's page
3. The Activity_bundle and Activity_version properties of the activity's 
I hope to get rid of #2 some day, and I'm not sure #3 is useful.

It's exciting to see 9.1 taxiing to the runway!
=S Page

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