[sugar] Education?

Alan Kay alan.kay at squeakland.org
Sat Mar 17 14:00:49 EDT 2007

Boxer has many excellent ideas in it. This paper is well worth 
reading (and it doesn't need the special pleading that mars the 
presentation of the ideas).

It's still a great start for thinking about many important features 
(and their integration) that children's authoring environments need today.



At 05:52 AM 3/17/2007, Antoine van Gelder wrote:
>Ian Bicking wrote:
>>Antoine van Gelder wrote:
>>>Don Hopkins wrote:
>>>>Of course it might just be more powerful and efficient to 
>>>>re-implement something like Klik-and-Play from scratch in Python, 
>>>>as a plug-in visual scripting component, which can be used to 
>>>>script a HyperCard-like gui environment, and games built on top 
>>>>of it like SimCity and Robot Odyssey.
>>>Anyone know the current status of being able to turn an AST tree 
>>>emitted by the Python compiler module back into code after it has 
>>>been modified ?
>>I think Boxer is an interesting middleground between a full visual 
>>scripting environment, and something more visual than typical 
>>Python source code.  It's an old/dead project, and I never was able 
>>to actually get the code to run well (in OS 9 emulation), but the 
>>paper is interesting: http://www.soe.berkeley.edu/boxer/papers.html
>Thanks Ian - the 'ports' concept in particular is giving me a lot of 
>food for thought!
>  - antoine
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